The Special Trip
Everything about this trip was special. When I came back from this service trip (Habitat for Humanity), I tried to explain to people my time there...but I couldn't put it into words. I would explain everything including the details, but couldn't quite express it properly. So, after a few days of struggling to describe it, I stopped trying to, because I felt like I was not doing it justice. I simply told people that it was a special trip and it couldn't be described. I will do the same was a very special trip and I can't describe it. Maybe the photos can better than me...
1. All photo credits go to one of our students, David Jun. I left my camera at home because the previous year mine got stolen out of my bag in Manila. I'm glad I learn from my mistakes because my whole back pack got stolen this trip...luckily the thousands of dollars in cash I was carrying on behalf of the team was in my hip sack...phew!
2. Johnny Wong was the best team leader a colleague/student could ask for.
3. The food we ate was phenomenal and was prepared by the habitat villagers--I want to go back to eat food!
4. Please notice the ambulance in the photos that the guards with machine guns drove in, while they followed us around every where we went. This was ordered by the mayor of San Luis. Who also ordered us to take surfing lessons at their beaches.