Saturday, February 11, 2012

[2011] NYC, USA

My first time traveling with my best friend Jessica Oiyan Chan. It was MARVELLOUS! That doesn't mean we didn't fight, because we did. Mostly because I can be a biyatch and ignored her for a few hours at the AMQ exhibit. Not purposefully, but I was just in an introverted mood. That day Jess took a lot of photos of me from behind. Whoops! Including the fights and arguments we had, I enjoyed every second of this trip.  Can't wait to visit Sadia again!

Favourite moment
A guy trying to pick up Sadia: Hi, I'm ______. I'm in med school.
Sadia: What?
Guy: I'm in med school.
Sadia: What year?
Guy: 2nd/3rd/4th(?) (Don't really remember)
Sadia: I'm a resident...dun dun dun
AWKWARD moment for guy. Good try though. Best part: I got a photo of the conversation!

1. Baked by Melissa mini cupcakes --- wish I could dissolve one in my mouth right now!
2. Von Leuwan ice cream
3. rushing home everyday to try and catch our OB-GYN intern hostess but usually arrived too late to find her fallen asleep while eating dinner.
4. Shopping at Muji
5. First time trying Magnolia cupcakes!!!! YUMMMY
6. Being shown how an IUD is inserted into someone's uterus. Classy times.
7. Cultural moment at B&H photography shop
8. Statue of Liberty
9. Hanging with my besties!


  1. Thank you for acknowledging the afternoon you spent ignoring me. It was rough but we got through it and we celebrated by eating wonderful cake at a lil cafe on the way home. Now having gone through one whole trip together, I feel comfortable submitting our Amazing Race application.

  2. Really?! Even with my asthma!? And my out of fit body!? Although, I did learn how to drive stick!!!!
