Monday, June 30, 2014

[2013] Christmas in Toronto, Canada

I have been living in another country for 7.5 years now and I have missed a total of 2 Christmases. As in, I didn't fly home for it. After the second time, I came to the decision that Christmas must be spent with family and friends. Here's why...

Every time that I'm there it's special, but this time around it was REAL special. We had our annual "Asian Christmas" which is a terrible name, but if you look at the attendees I'm sure you can deduce why it's called that. It's our 11th get together and it's always some good ol' fashioned fun. This year someone came up with the genius idea of having a pajama party, so we were in comfy jam jams the whole night. Special alright, I mean look at Lucas in those sweet Superman jammies! I always look forward to this blast from the past. Everyone must feel the same way because they all drove out to Whitby this year in the aftermath of the ice storm.

Oh yeah, the icestorm...our house, my aunt's and uncle's were all without power for a few days so we had to sleep in my grandmother's house for a few nights. Can you say slumber party with family? It was like a flashback to the times we used to visit halmuni and halabuji in Korea and slept on the floor. Toronto has never looked so pretty under the thick layer of ice.

This year we spent Christmas eve at jageun emoya's house, and she encouraged us all to wear festive sweaters. I didn't need any encouragement -- my uniform this break was my green sweater that I wore EVERYDAY. The food was amazing like always, but it was just so fun to hang out with my family!

Other highlights included - visiting my grandfather, hanging out with Ericson after his LASIK surgery, meeting up with Iris and Jess and their Caucasian counterparts, crashing Chan family Christmas, family photo shoots and Les Miserables.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

[2012-2014] Construction Zone Park Basel, Switzerland

We have gone to this little park behind our house countless times to catch up with the Rawsons. You can always count on them being there on a Sunday afternoon, and we'd usually just walk over without calling to catch them for some family time. It's actually the perfect setting for a mini photoshoot, so we usually took our camera with us. It is probably one of the coolest little parks I've ever seen. An amazing (but dangerous) jungle gym, ropes course, climbing wall and slide. It looks like an abandoned house that they converted into a park. It's amazing to see how much Roran has grown.

The imminent departure of the Rawson's makes Hayes and I start to realize how much like family these guys have become.

We will miss them so much! What will we now do on a lazy Sunday afternoon? Let alone the fact that we will need to move our GoT viewings to another place and I'm losing my co-organizer for TEDx and Amazing race. Big Sigh.

Update -- Said our "goodbyes/see you laters" today and I held it altogether, until the moment they left. It took a good 20 minutes of weeping to feel alright again. T.T

Love you all!!! xoxo Can't wait till we meet again.